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There is one true God who is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in all His attributes. He exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, these Three being co-equal and co-eternal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfections and worthy of the same worship, confidence and obedience. - Deuteronomy 6:4; Malachi 3:6; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; John 1:1-2; John 17:5; Colossians 2:9; John 5:23


The Scriptures, both the Older and Newer Testaments, are the inspired, inerrant Word of God; and that the New Testament is commentary on the Old Testament. This inspiration and inerrancy extends equally and fully to all parts of the Bible: prophetic, historic, scientific, poetic and doctrinal.  The Bible is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  - 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Matthew 5:17-18; Psalm 119:105


Scripture is authoritative about cosmology.

The world is not the product of evolution; but was created by the Word of God, out of nothing, in six literal days. All of creation was made for God’s own glory. Furthermore, God upholds and governs His whole creation according to His will and directs every detail to its appointed end so that nothing happens in His creation outside of His providential ordering.  -  Genesis 1; Psalm 33:6; Isaiah 43:7; Colossians 1:17; Psalm 104:24-30


When Adam and Eve sinned, they incurred God’s wrath upon themselves and upon all their descendants, becoming dead toward God and eternally mortal. Since Adam was the representative for all his posterity, all inherit their mortality  from him. Being born sinners, all people are utterly powerless in themselves to redeem their lost condition and be restored to immortality and eternal fellowship with God.  -  Genesis 3:16-19; Romans 5:12; Romans 5:19; Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 5:21; John 3:16 


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only King and Savior of the world. With respect to His divine nature He is the second person of the Trinity, equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit in all things. The eternal Son also took upon Himself a human nature, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, He became like us in all things except without sin. Jesus Christ was both fully human and fully divine. He perfectly satisfied every demand of God’s holy law in His life, passion and death. Therefore, on the third day He rose bodily from the grave, ascended to glory and now sits enthroned over His Kingdom, the Church.


We believe that God saves men, from beginning to end, by His Sovereign Grace, and that no one person deserves His mercy. God’s gift of eternal life is by faith alone without any works of the believer. Even the believer’s faith and repentance are unmerited gifts that God gives through His Spirit in regeneration, thus enabling the regenerated person to repent of their sins and believe in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved.


Self government includes personal holiness, but it also entails individual purpose in the Kingdom of God. Because Jesus is King and Lord, and because individuals matter for the Great Commission, each person must work and keep his corner of the garden-world.

Therefore, we will promote the necessity of: private-judgment, personal holiness, serious study and application of  Scripture, prayer, and a proper theology of work, individual purpose, and commitment to the world around each of us.


Family government is about understanding that each covenant family is a little church, and that father and mother are ground zero for training the next generation of world conquerors.

Therefore, we promote the necessity of: Traditional marriage, family worship, Christian education, covenant households, proper gender and parenting roles, and the treatment of children as covenant members in the kingdom of God.



Our view of politics stems from our conviction that Jesus is truly King, and that all civil leaders are to obey Him (e.g., Psalm 2).

Therefore, we will promote the necessity of the doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate, and the work of abolition of human archism.
Democracy is the worst form of government because it is based on mob rule and run by covetousness at ones neighbors expense, voting for pagan government to provide and protect is idolatry.  God and His Kingdom are to be the provider and protector.




ALL of the promises and prophecies of God, Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, were fulfilled by 70 A.D. and some continue for eternity.  Seventy A.D. was the closing of the Old Levitical covenant and the institution of a New Covenant that encompasses the full completion of ALL of the promises made to the people of God under that old Covenant, and the transferring of the Kingdom of God from the old covenant people to the new covenant people. The new covenant Kingdom of God was established by Christ and continues forever.  


We recognize the myth of neutrality. As Cornelius Van Til wrote: “The Bible is authoritative over everything of which it speaks, and it speaks of everything.” We will seek to apply biblical principles to every area of life, not ignoring any realm. Business, culture, education, welfare, economics, politics, cosmology, biology,  etc. None of these are “distractions”, but rather are integral to living as faithful servants of God in the Kingdom of God.


We recognize the timeless and transcendent law of God seen in all of scripture which never changes.

Specifically with regard to the civil magistrate, we affirm that they have no God given authority to act in any way beyond their allotted jurisdiction/goal, which is to punish evil doers. The civil magistrate is bound to administer God’s penalties of His transcendent laws.  Proportionate penalties. Restitution. Equal scales. Due Process. Impartiality. We deny that the civil magistrate has any right to “do whatever seems right in his own eyes” or allow the perceived dictates of “natural law” to supersede the clear light of scripture.


In faith, we are focused on passing down the faith to the next generation and the generations to follow. In every decision we make, we are cognizant of the ramifications for the generations to follow. We recognize that winning each one of our children to the mission is absolutely vital to the success of the great commission. That requires bringing them along with us in everything we do and showing them what walking with God looks like.



It is absolutely necessary to the long term success of the community that both men and women are poured into, that they might learn how to apply God’s law-word to every area of life. Not only for our own personal edification, but also so that we can train up the next generation. We need a vibrant community where the men, women, and children are all pursuing the mission–both as individuals, with their own individual purpose in the Kingdom, and together as a collective, among the people of God.  We will seek to be strategic and tactical in everything we do. Children being included in worship. Men having  accountability and edification in husbanding, fathering, business and finances, political involvement etc. Getting help where they need help. Women accountable to do the same (husbands working to support and guide their wives in this). A vibrant schooling community where the gifts of the body are leveraged. Feasts, wine and fellowship.

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